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Below are some typical questions about the Bridge of the Gods Half Marathon & 10K event but if we haven't addressed your questions, feel free to contact us.
COURSE QUESTIONSWalkers welcomed and celebrated! 5-hour half-marathon cut-off time (3pm finish line closes; 22:44-min mile pace. Cut-off pace is based on gun time, not individual chip time. Aid Stations every 1.5 miles along the course See Details Here Port-a-Potties at Race Start, Aid Station 1, 3, and 4 and near Race Finish Area See Details Here Strollers are NOT okay. Walking poles are okay (but not on bridge crossing open grate). Gear Check at Race Start– Gear Check Bags are given to every runner and your Race bib tear-off numbers with a key-hole, are used to identify your bag. Do not leave valuables or liquids in bags. Gear Check Drop Off at Race Start and Gear Check Pick-Up is located near the pedestrian bridge going to the island/ Finish Line Area. Boston Qualifier?– Not at this time. All Breakaway Promotions runs are scenic and highlight the natural beauty of Oregon and our goal is to deliver a premium running experience from start to finish. Earbuds & Music- Runners are required to have earbuds/headphones out of their ears while crossing roads for safety. The majority of the course is on a trail so earbuds are okay. Spectators are asked to not venture deep onto the course. See Details Here
REGISTRATION QUESTIONSPacket Pick-Up Friday, Saturday and Sunday. See Details Here No Day-Of Registration No Mail-In Registration Pick-Up Packets for friends is okay with picture of friend's ID.
WHAT'S INCLUDED WITH MY REGISRATION FEE?Breathtaking course Cool tech t-shirt Gear bag Chip timing Custom finishers medal Catered lunch
BREAKAWAY CANCELLATION POLICYScenic Oregon Run Series Cancellation Policy RunReg Event Insurance PROVIDED BY RUNREG All claims must be filed directly with Allianze Insurance via RunReg. No refunds, only credits or transfers through Breakaway. Roll Over Credit (up to 2 weeks prior to event) ALL ROLL OVER CREDIT REQUESTS must be received via Contact Us Form (not Facebook Messenger) at least 2 weeks prior to the event date. Please note the Roll Over Credit Code on RunReg is valid for 12 months and can be applied to any Breakaway Promotions running event. Transfer / Changes (up to 1 week prior to event) NO EMAIL REQUIRED- YOU HANDLE THIS ON RUNREG. These options are handled on RunReg by you- follow the link provided in your RunReg confirmation email to log in and follow the easy steps to update your registration info, including race category, or transfer registration to another person (fees apply). Pandemic Cancelation In the event that the event is canceled due to COVID 19 or any other communicable disease, natural disaster or act of terrorism we will offer a Roll Over towards any 2025 or 2026 Breakaway Promotions running events. We will also offer a virtual race option as well.
CAN I WALK THE HALF MARATHON COURSE?YES! Walkers welcomed and celebrated! 5-hour half-marathon cut-off time from the half-marathon start time.
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